Tag Archive for: Bureau of labor statistics

CRACK!! That Was The Sound of The Labor Market Breaking! This Is A VERY BIG DEAL!

There is simply no way the Bureau of Labor Statistics can show rosy jobs data forever. Unemployment climbed to 3.9% from 3.8% and the number of job creations came in below expectations. Some media sources and the current administration are trying to spin the sheer number of job creations as a huge positive, but the market knows otherwise and rates fell sharply.Read More

1% Drop In Rates Brings 5 MILLION Buyers Into the Market; The Real Crash: Interest Rates

Joe Brown, Jeff Snider and Stephanie Pomboy spent the weekend just shredding Friday’s BLS jobs “positive” report. They pointed out how full-time (as opposed to part-time) job numbers are actually falling; how wages are flat (they’d be increasing if the labor markets were actually tight); how the BLS estimates are suspect and constantly getting revised; and how many of the jobs created were part-time, 2nd, or government jobs. In other words, the BLS is full of BS.Read More