Tag Archive for: chapter 13 bankruptcy refinance

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Tennessee

For many residents in Tennessee, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection is a strategic move to regain control over their financial situation. Unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which involves liquidating assets to pay off debts, Chapter 13 allows debtors with a “regular income” to reorganize their debts and set up a structured and affordable repayment over a three-to-five-year period.Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Massachusetts

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, often referred to as a "wage earner's plan," allows individuals with regular incomes in Massachusetts to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts. During this process, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over a three to five year period. Filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Massachusetts can provide a structured path to financial recovery while still retaining your assets.Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Oregon

Navigating your financial recovery during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Oregon can be daunting, especially if you're looking to refinance your home. Thankfully, refinancing isn't just a possibility; it's achievable with the right guidance and understanding of the process. If you meet the right criteria, you can refinance to get a lower rate or to pull cash out to pay off debts or even your entire bankruptcy. We will explain more below.Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Georgia

Navigating your financial recovery during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Georgia can be daunting, especially if you're looking to refinance your home. Thankfully, refinancing isn't just a possibility; it's achievable with the right guidance and understanding of the process. If you meet the right criteria, you can refinance to get a lower rate or to pull cash out to pay off debts or even your entire bankruptcy. We will explain more below. Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Arizona

Navigating the complexities of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Arizona can be daunting. Among those complexities is your mortgage. Many Arizonans wonder if they can refinance their mortgages to take advantage of lower rates or to take cash out for home improvements or debt consolidations – while they are in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The answer is a resounding yes - as long as you meet the required criteria. Let's explore this in detail, providing clarity and support, so you can make an informed decision. Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Florida

Navigating through financial troubles can be daunting, especially if you're dealing with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Florida. But did you know that refinancing your mortgage during this challenging time is not just possible but can be beneficial? And sometimes – extremely beneficial! This is when you have enough equity in your home to allow you to pull out enough cash to pay off all of the debts in your bankruptcy and eliminate your bankruptcy altogether. This in turn allows you to get started on the path to reestablishing your credit and financial standing. Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in California

Navigating through Chapter 13 bankruptcy in California can be a complex process, particularly when it comes to managing major financial decisions like refinancing your mortgage. However, with the right information and guidance, refinancing your mortgage during this challenging time can be both achievable and enormously beneficial. This comprehensive guide will address common questions and provide essential insights into the refinancing process during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.Read More

Don’t Let Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit or Life!

Has the thought, "Does filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy hurt my credit?" crossed your mind? If you're struggling with debt, it's a common concern. We're often approached by worried homeowners who fear the impact of bankruptcy on their financial well-being. But what if there's an alternative that can save your credit and your peace of mind? This comprehensive guide offers insights and answers to help you navigate the tough decisions ahead.Read More

Refinancing During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

While going through chapter 13 bankruptcy, it can be a challenge to get your finances back on track. If you have an existing mortgage you'd like to refinance, it can be even more challenging to find mortgage companies that will refinance your mortgage. Here's everything you need to know about refinancing during chapter 13 bankruptcy.Read More