Tag Archive for: renting

Renting Vs. Owning When Rates Are Over 7%; What the Doomsayers Miss!

The media are scaring the sh*t out of potential buyers again! And another myth they are pedaling is that it is now far better to rent than it is to own.Read More

What Rent vs. Buy Analyses MISS! (Huge Esoteric Benefits Of Homeownership)

Rising Rates Alter Calculus of Buying vs. Renting The above headline is a link taken directly from the WSJ. I am blogging about it because rent vs. buy analyses are […]Read More

The #1 Reason Renters Want To Buy A Home

FIXED HOUSING PAYMENT IS NOT THE BIGGEST INCENTIVE TO BUY In August, I blogged about Rent Vs. Buy Comparisons In the Age of Inflation, pointing out how comforting it is […]Read More

Rent Vs. Buy Comparisons In The Age Of Inflation

$500,000 HOME APPRECIATES $200,000 IN 9 MONTHS My wife Heejin bought a house in Plano, TX, in November for $519,000. We put down 20%, and our PITI is $2,725. The […]Read More

Should You Rent Or Buy A House?

Should you rent or buy a home? Many people are considering buying a home – and for a good reason! There are many advantages to buying a home: enjoy more space, build equity, and decorate and paint the walls however you like without asking a landlord. But, there are advantages to renting – especially if you are considering moving soon and don’t want to handle any of the maintenance or repairs that come with homeownership.Read More

Is Renting Or Buying Better For You?

Many people want to know if renting or buying a home is right for them and their finances. There are pros and cons to renting and buying a home. To find out if you should continue to rent or if you're prepared to own, check out the rest of this blog.Read More

What Will $75,000 and $100,000 In Income Buy?

Many renters don’t realize how much house their income will buy in this environment, when rates are so low. We often maximize buyer’s qualification by having them use their savings […]Read More